Monday, October 7, 2013

Word from Yerusalem. October 7:2013.
For out of Zion the Law will go forth, and the Word of Jehovah from Yerushalaim
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Word from Yerushalaim

News Flash

As of  a few days ago Israelis told American checks will not be accepted or cleared in Israel.
This means US bank accounts cannot be accessed outside of the USA.Full story here



Following is a dream/vision of a dear friend intercessor, I pray it helps in understanding for prayer in these days.
by: Tikkun
I want to share with you a dream/night vision that I had a few weeks ago, at the beginning of Sukkot. It was not a ordinary dream, but rather a real experience involving my whole being and all my senses. Enter into this experience with me for a moment.
As the night vision unfolded, I was standing in the midst of a large room that was filled with delivery tables on which laboring mothers give birth. There were a number of midwives standing in wait for the arrival of many laboring mothers.  I knew that I was one of the midwives as I waited next to my assigned table. Suddenly the doors to the large room opened.  Groaning women in labor entered; each one moving to a particular table and midwife. I noticed that some of the laboring women were relieved to be in this place and to receive the help that would be provided for the birth their offspring.  Others were hesitant to enter, and even distressed that they had to be here.  One heavily pregnant, dark-haired woman approached me.  She was angry and controlling, while obviously in the midst of labor. Remembering my own occasions of childbirth, I felt compassion toward her attitude; believing it to be the result of normal transitional labor.  Very quickly it became evident that her response to me was something else … it was personal and hateful.  She declared that she didn’t want me to touch her or her child about to be born.  She demanded that I have no part in her delivery. She shouted for me to back away from the table; saying that she had brought her own midwife … a woman from her own country.  She said that her preference was to return to her own country, rather than to give birth in this distasteful place. In defiance of the situation, she screamed aloud that it wasn’t right that she would have to come to me, and to be in this location for the birth of her child.  As this raging mother climbed up on the table and assumed a birthing position, the midwife friend accompanying her, pushed me aside and prepared to make the delivery. Suddenly the feet of the child appeared. It was a breech birth. Very quickly the torso of the child emerged up to the shoulders. As I was wondering if the head could make it through the pelvis, the full child emerged. I was shocked at what I saw.  The baby was perfect up to the shoulders, but above the shoulders, it appeared that the chest structures continued on in the same width as the natural chest; concluding as a rounded, but slightly pointed form about six inches above the natural shoulders. There was no head; therefore there was no face … no eyes, nose, mouth, ears, or breath.  The delivering midwife screamed at the horror. As she dropped the child, I caught it and wrapped it in a blanket. The coloration of the little body was light pink, not blue, as one would expect without the baby breathing.  The umbilical cord had already been severed during delivery, but there was no bleeding from the belly button.  Seeing the child, the mother began cursing me and screaming at me; saying this was of my doing … arising from me cursing the child and her. She told me that I would pay for this … that she would tell everyone how wicked I was, so that everyone would deal with me. Just as she was dismounting the table to leave, I called to her saying, “Wait … what should a mother do for her child at this time of crisis?”  The mothers hissed back that there was nothing to be done, as she headed toward the exit door.  I took this deformed, breathless child, and held it tightly up against my chest.

The Cry of Intercession

With everything in my total being I cried out to YHVH to restore this child to created order, and to complete its destiny by sovereignly bringing it breath and functional form.  I agonized in the spirit as I pouring my love and heart into this incomplete child.  At the very moment the mother was about to exit through the door, the child began to wiggly and to cry loudly.  I pulled it away from my chest to find a perfectly beautiful child … perfectly formed in my hands.  The mother heard the cry and came running to him. Without hesitation I handed her the baby and she held it to herself in joy and weeping.  There was no thank you, and no apology for the accusations, charges, and hatred she had demonstrated previously.  I felt at peace with that.  The child was the important focus here.  Just then, the father of the baby and two small female siblings entered the room and came to us.  The father was weeping with joy as he took the baby in his arms.  He turned to me and said, “I am a physician, but I know that I could not have accomplished this.  Only you could have restored and brought life to this child.”  As he spoke these words, I dropped to the floor … first to my knees and then to my face … in worship and declaration of the One True God, YHVH, as the author of this miracle. I decreed that He was the only God … not allah, not buddha, not shiva, or any other god. Worship filled my whole being, as I announced praise and the truth of YHVH from that position on the floor.  Then, while still in the midst of this vision, my view changed.  I was suddenly seeing the whole room, as well as myself worshipping on the floor. As I viewed this scene, I saw a brilliant light rise off my body and fill the room. Worship and praise broke out throughout the whole assembly; filling the hearts of all present; with worship to YHVH arising out of each mouth as well.  I awakened from this night vision, with the tangible sensations of this experience still held in my body, soul, and spirit. I felt as if I had been poured out in intercession for the deformed child, but also that I had been consumed by the truth and praise of YHVH. It almost felt like fatigue from the intensity of it all.  In the hours that followed, I continued to seek the Lord for His message contained in this experience. Here is what He showed me:


“The room is Israel. You and the other midwives are the Jewish people.  The nations have been summoned to you by Me, so that they can participate in My plan for their fulfillment and destiny.  The headless baby is the un-fulfilled destiny of each nation.  They cannot bring it forth without you, because I have ordained it to be so.  These footling breech babies need special handling, so that the mother’s life, and the life of each child can be secured. Do you now see why so many nations have perverse, deformed, lifeless, and chaotic fruit from their existence?  The destiny of these nations does not come to function, beauty, breath, and life apart from My plan for them … which includes the birthing role of Israel for their fulfillment.  You are to be a blessing to the nations; bringing them My light and life; infusing these things into that which is incomplete and without the breath of destined life. The nations resent the requirement that I have established; choosing to reject the requirement, which was conveyed to them in the message presented through the writing of My word through the prophet regarding Sukkot.  The nations will be required come up to Jerusalem, standing before Me, in order to have rain during the time of My restoration of the world. What they would not do before, they must do if they hope to have life, to have My blessing, and to have prosperity. The Jewish people have been put in the position of bearing the accusations, rejection, and threats of the rebellious and arrogant nations; of those operating in rage against My authority and plan.  However, I have positioned My people, and I have called them to stand in the role of essential intercessors for these abusive nations.  Will you love those, who abuse and condemn you?  Will you see that My heart, for the children (for the destiny of nations) to have life before Me, is the priority? I enable you to continue to serve in love, and to bear the offense, so that My will is fulfilled; but also so that My glory will come through you, to be realized by the nations.  You are the people of My praise. You are the people of birthing so that all will be blessed. Endure in Me. Give the glory back to Me. I alone will vindicate you in the end.  This is your test, your destiny, and your fulfillment. Allow Me to pour through your being, for I alone will enable you to succeed in fulfilling your calling, so that the nations will fulfill their destiny in Me.”
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