Sunday, August 4, 2013

The IHOPKC leadership team is calling a 21-day faststarting this Monday, August 5, until August 26, or for those who need more time to prepare, they can join us for the last 14 days of the fast, from Monday, August 12, to August 26.
I will give more more information and explanation about this fast during our Saturday FCF service (August 3) at 6:00pm (CT) and at our monthly IHOPKC all-staff meeting at 1:00pm (CT) this coming Tuesday (August 6). You can join us LIVE by webstream, or watch the archives. I will have a handout available at those times with more information, available for download
Some of you know that I am diligently preparing to teach 10 sessions on the book of Daniel at the annual IHOPU End Times Intensive (Thursday to Saturday, August 29–31, 2013). Read about this event ».
I apologize for the last-minute notice for this 21-day fast, but it occurred to me just yesterday that since I plan to prepare for my IHOPU Intensive on the book of Daniel with a certain intensity for the next four weeks, I should do it in a spirit of heightened consecration like Daniel was embracing when he originally received the visions (Dan. 9:3; 10:2-3).
Daniel was on a 21-day fast when he received his final vision (Dan. 10:2).
So, I felt to go on a 21-day fast in studying and speaking about his visions.
This fast will have several emphases, including:
  1. 1.  Encountering the Lord in a personal way (as He does His work in us, He works better through us).
  2. 2.  Contending for a spiritual breakthrough for our families, churches, and nation, and especially for Jerusalem.
  3. 3.  Seeking greater understanding of God’s heart and end-time plan as seen in the book of Daniel. This book has great relevance for this hour in history.
I realize that the suddenness of this announcement does not give people time to prepare in the practical areas of their life and family schedules, so they may not be able to participate in the way that they would like to. I don’t want to burden my friends with this, but to invite them to join as they are able and have grace.
Just yesterday I shared this call with some IHOPKC leaders, and within 12 hours the majority responded quickly and enthusiastically to embrace this fast.
I called the IHOPKC leadership team to commit to 21 days (or 14 days) along with the following 3 commitments:
  1. 1.  To be in the prayer room 6 hours a day (for the full-time IHOPKC staff) for the next 21 days (or 14 days). I encourage those not on the IHOPKC staff to come to one prayer meeting a day (if they live close by), or to have a personal prayer and Bible study time for 1–2 hours each day.
  2. 2.  To read the book of Daniel each day for 21 days (this will take about one hour, reading at an average pace).
  3. 3.  To fast media entertainment, etc., i.e., to only use the Internet for work-related purposes and to only engage in entertainment (watch movies) that is overtly biblical (e.g., Bible stories, the life of Jesus, etc.).
A Daniel Fast: A common approach to a Daniel Fast includes eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and seeds, etc. (Dan. 1:12; 10:3). Many agree that Daniel abstained from all meat, sugar, dairy products, wine, and from all pleasant foods (this includes anything that enhances the flavor of food—seasonings, salad dressings, sweetener, etc.). I will give more details on this in my handout that will be available online this Saturday night.
A biblical fast is to abstain from food for spiritual reasons. It is more than a diet.
We have documents on our website that give biblical and practical guidelines for fasting. There are many other helpful resources on fasting on the Internet.
My first thought was to do this fast with a few friends, but, knowing many of you, I thought that some of you would want to join us.
With such a short window to get in a 21-day fast before the Daniel Intensive starts on August 29… well, it is now or never, so we are starting this Monday, August 5.
If you want to commit to this 21 days, or 14 days, of consecration but have something on your calendar that involves a key family event that cannot be changed (wedding) or one that is difficult to change (anniversary or family birthday celebration, etc.), then I encourage you to go ahead with that event and the meal related to it, and then just continue with the fast.
With passion for Jesus,
Mike Bickle
PS: Join us this Saturday at 6:00pm and/or on Tuesday at 1:00pm by webstream. I will give more information and explanation about this fast during our Saturday FCF service (August 3) at 6:00pm (CT) and at our monthly IHOPKC all-staff meeting at 1:00pm (CT) this coming Tuesday (August 6). You can join us LIVE by webstream, or watch the archives. I will have a handout available at those times with more information. Join us and find the handout at

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