Friday, July 19, 2013


Johnny Enlow: Prepare to be Amazed. Massive "Gold" Discovery In California
by Johnny Enlow
Jul 19, 2013

Prophetic word given July 10, 2013 while in Santa Barbara, California:
"You must now arise and shine with a message and attitude of hope and faith." The Lord says, "I am going to do something in your state – that should I tell it to you, you would not believe it. I am going to turn everything around. I am going to invade every mountain and sphere of your state and I am going ignite a turn around that will astound all. I have released the great angels already.
"I will work with My children who will choose to see Me and what I am doing as opposed to what the enemy is doing. The religious anxiety and sobriety you have felt is not Me, and I ask you to step out of it. I will now arise upon My Josephs and My Josephines. I am inviting all of you and even demanding of all who are Mine to leave behind despair Christianity. You must rise above the fray and see Me and what I am doing. I will turn your state around.
"Another Gold Rush - I Will Release and Reveal Gold..."
"There will be another gold rush and it will astonish the experts. I will release and reveal gold in places where it is assumed there can't be gold. I will economically rescue you with My kindness and you will even be used to economically rescue the nation. I still have 90% of California's treasure hidden for such a time as this. Even the desert will bloom and will reveal unexpected treasures.
"I will invade the 5 (I-5) and spill over into the cities. I will release My wind into 101 and will release life through it. What was formerly US 66 will be a place My angels will walk and release treasures and presence. I will not be detained as I now have sufficient agreement to act. There will be a great turn around and you must be prepared to cooperate with it.
"I love all your prayers that have come up to Me and now I need you to go beyond the prayers and allow Me to invade every structure, sphere and mountain. Everywhere the soles of your feet will goMonday through Friday – I am ready to make Kingdom territory.
"I will send the rains and will break the drought. I will water you with the rains of Heaven and will bring back even ecological balance to your state. I will be made known in government, I will be made known in your city halls. I will be made famous in Hollywood for the old system has broken. But you must awake, you must arise and you must shine. You must be courageous and you must take Me with you into every place you go. You must tell it is I who am helping and you must tell that I am going to even further help.
"California, Your Age of Restoration is Upon You"
"As they are astonished at My kindness you must tell them it is Me. You must see into where you live, work and study, and you must tell of the good things I am going to do there. I need you to echo Me. I am going to invade and this time it will not just be the deserts and remote places. I will come right into day to day society and I will be seen.
"California your age of restoration is upon you. As you see your roads and highways repaired and restored know that it will be an evidence and a sign of what I am doing in the soul of your state.
"My Church, do not resist Me. My Church do not stay in doubt. My Church agree with Me. My Church cease being judgment-conscious and start being restoration-conscious. My Church enter into My joys. My Church enter in My hopes for you. I am going to do that which you have feared to even hope for. I am going to show you that I am the 'bigger than' God. Today I ask you to join Me. Today I ask you to agree on earth as I am telling you from Heaven."
Johnny Enlow

Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society- until the real God of all of life is displayed in the 7 primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education

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